Haggard. Twisted. Awkward. Weird? Bubbly. Hungry. Sleepy. I am a 20 year old something Registered Nurse, but ‘something’ by heart. I don’t know that ‘something’ yet, I’m still soul-searching, you know? I'm a master of none, I march to the beat of a different drummer and have the ability to laugh at most any situation.
2 stars
GODS. Reading this is soooo painful. Not that kind if painful where you're hurting along with the characters and sobbing while reading it. It's that kind of pain where the beginning has that some sort of potential and then, BOOM, it just circled the drain. I don't want to be mean, but, it's like it was written by some kid in High School where the characters were poorly, erm, developed, the banters the characters have were blah and the plot was ekk. Obviously I ran out of adjectives to describe it. HAHA. I'm not trying to generalize, I mean, I used to write that kind of plot back then...that's why I have this cringe factor whenever I read my previous so called works (and by GODS, I will never ever post that. It's just sooooo embarrassing) I haven't got around with writing again because I have this major case of writer's block...well, I'm a feeler writer. HEH. But yeah, the cringe factor was back when I read this. It's a waste of time. I don't recommend it...but it never came to that point where I actually hated it. It's such a pity that that potential gone to waste. And I might not read the next one. I scanned the next book actually...and yep, my hunch was right.
I'm going to post this in booklikes first...goodreads is acting up. GEEZ.
<b>2</b> stars.
This was one of those books under my don't judge the book by its blurb list.
"Being invisible was something Gemma Cameron was used to in her life. It didn’t help that she was shy or average and that she always seemed to be in her own little world. She didn't have a social life, which meant she didn't get any dates. But when she finally wanted to be noticed by a guy, he prefers her crazy roommate and leaves on a date.... a date that was meant for her. Although the relationship didn’t last long, it still hurt her to be the cast over. A year later, minus the crazy roommate, Noah stayed around and she got stuck in the ‘friend zone’. Falling in love with a guy who only saw her as a friend, she knew it was time to move on. Except she didn't realize that he wanted her more than a friend........
Noah Alexander knew he made a mistake when he dated the crazy ex-roommate. Realizing that the sweet and shy Gemma was the one he wanted, he stayed around to be close to her. But when he found out that she was dating, he knew it was time to make his move before someone else did. Now it’s just the matter of convincing her........a lot of convincing."
I got hooked by the blurb although I have a feeling what I might eventually get in the end...still, I might enjoy the ride while reading it.
But, I was wrong.
Gaaaah. I'm so freakin' disappointed for making my hopes a little high, here I thought I'll read something that I can finally relate to, but then, tssk. NOPE..but, they had their moments that I liked, well, little moments that I liked. But, Cliche was the main dish. Annoying on the side. Mary Sue and Gary Stu as the appetizer. And apparently, I am hungry so I might as well eat some nourishment now and my stomach is having some kind of bowling game...well, <i>not that kind</i> of bowling game...I'm just hungry.
2.5 stars.
This book was one of those books I have put on hiatus for the past months...and with my history of forgetting things, yep, I totally forgot the plot and have to re-read from the start.
I ain't gonna tell the blurb and all that crap because I don't want to post a lengthy sort of review, so, yeah.
While I have to admit that the characters were actually like-able for me, this story is sort of cliched and blah-blah, you will see what will come, yeah-yeah. Maybe if I haven't read a lot of YA, I might probably will rate this higher.
*hmmm. Let's see if this thing will be posted in goodreads.*
After four freakin' years, I have finally opened my first shelfari account!! I finally figured out how to open that one because I was sooooo frustrated for forgetting my email and password...and for some reasons, that 'amazon' sign up thingy makes things more confusing than ever...so about two years ago, I made up another shelfari account. I may not be active there unlike in goodreads but still, I would like to see my first ever bookshelf profile. I should have read all the options below when I was signing in before...I must have not made another acct. there if I did. Now, the predicament, I think...which account must I use? The more recent that I have made or the first one which is four years old now compared to the two year old more recent account? I know it's petty and too shallow...it's just that, GAAAAAH. I'm more active in goodreads anyway...so why bother? HAHAHAHA. I'll try to be active here though. I loved the design of this page. It's classy and I liked the idea of having a lot of options here. I'll get used to this. :D
Importing files from my goodreads acct. Too lazy to add books manually. Heh. Here's my goodreads acct., btw: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5941908-sheila-hora
and other accts. as well:
Tumblr: http://iamnotlostjustundiscovered.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lasheilangling
Yep. Newbie.
the, um, site's, erm, if you have a tumblr acct., you'll notice the similarities.